1. Which type of information is provided by this webserver?
    This webserver is aimed at suggesting if an alternative splicing event it’s likely perturbing the function of its protein-coding product at the level of its domain architecture and regulatory network.

  2. How can I access the information?
    Either via gene symbol or uniprot accession.

  3. Is it possible to query non-human genes?
    It is not currently possible.

  4. Does EXPANSION perform co-expression network analysis of alternative spliced transcripts?
    No, EXPANSION only considers Differential Expression information that has been either precalculated (TCGA vs GTEx from XENA browser) or that is provided by the user. Interaction data are derived from IntAct, which also provides isoform specific interaction information for many genes.

  5. Are you providing alternative splicing information also for the interaction partners of the queried gene?
    No, the result page is gene-centric, consequently only the alternative splicing transcript differential expression and domain architecture are specific for the queried gene. You might find isoform-specific information as long as it is.